About Us
LearnTrek was developed by founder Alexandra Gray in 2017, out of a need for a technical solution for non-mainstream settings who found themselves unable to use systems designed for their mainstream counterparts.

Our story…

Dr Alexandra Gray
LearnTrek emerged out of a combination of professional curiosity, a shared desire to do justice to children whose complex needs make mainstream education unsustainable, and the stubborn determination of those involved.
LearnTrek began life around my kitchen table. An academic researcher and teacher trainer, I was embedded within the senior leadership team at an Independent Special School for children with SEMH at the time.
Leaders at the school, including myself, were frustrated that the information management systems on the market were unhelpful for small settings and for children whose complex needs require highly bespoke programmes. The team at the school was using a series of spreadsheets and documents to manage safeguarding, attendance, behaviour, social-
emotional and academic progress.
School leaders worked with a software development start up over several years to understand the problem and the potential solutions. The outcome is LearnTrek – a system which grew organically, and continues to develop, out of the needs of the clients who use it and the children it serves.
In 2023 LearnTrek launched a curriculum function where learning outcomes can be tracked flexibly against schemes of work in the smallest possible units of achievement. LearnTrek remains, as far as we know, the only such system available – we are proud of what has been achieved and grateful for the input of colleagues in education and AP in helping us develop this important piece of kit.
Our Mission
At LearnTrek we work with professionals in education, youth work and alternative provisions to create ways of identifying and measuring progress for children and young people for whom education has been difficult. We are committed to investing in solutions which will improve outcomes for students whose learning journeys are complicated and disrupted.
Our Values
We are committed to making ethical decisions which are transparent and well-intentioned. We take into account, in our decision making, the need for increased social justice and inclusion.
We value and promote a
professionally curious approach which brings us together with specialists in other disciplines. We look outwards for inspiration, input, and fun!
We are driven by a strong sense of moral purpose and passion to improve the lives of children and young people. We keep sight, at all times, of to the joy and privilege our work entails.
We want to be free to challenge received certainties and create new and impactful solutions to
enduring challenges. We encourage divergent ways of thinking and working.
Company information
COMPANY NO: 11608207